Saturday, March 14, 2009

Stopping Place! pt. 1

So, as promised, here are some pictures from Stopping Place which I shot a couple of weekends ago. I wanted to get them up sooner but things have been crazy.

I'm not really sure if I'd say these are up to the standard I'm trying to reach these days. I mean, I like them, but a few of them are a tad soft, and things are cropped which I didn't want cropped etc.... I'll take it as a learning experience though, and all things considered I think they're pretty rad regardless.

Probably my favourite one.

So yeah, that's all for now. I think there are a few more worth posting, so I'll get those up when I have some time.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Huh-I Won a Contest

So, a few months ago (I believe it was November), I entered a photo contest open to colleges across Ontario. The contest was called "You Are Here", and you were supposed to represent something to do with college campus life. There were over 100 entries, and the top 12 get selected for a calendar. I'm one of those 12, and as a result, get an 8gb iPod Touch (sweet!).

Here's the photo that won it for me:

It feels pretty awesome.

To Come: This past weekend I shot a show called 'Stopping Place', a production put on by a dance company called In Duo Danceworks. I got some decent shots, so I'll post those when I'm done with them.
